Hey you GUYS! I’ve got an entire dehumidified basement full of clothes I’d like to share with you. But I can’t until you come in and check out what’s in the shop already. We’ve just added at least 50 spring/summer suits and sport’s jackets. And although some designers say that the “sport’s jacket-jeans” look is over, I would beg to disagree. I’d say it’s just getting started! When sport’s jackets are as inexpensive as ours (starting at 3.97), you can afford to put two or three in your closet to wear on those chilly spring mornings or those cool summer evenings. FYI All our clothes (men’s and women’s) are either laundered or dry cleaned before they are put on the racks. Tell all your friends. It’s not a secret anymore! GOLF SEASON will soon be officially upon us. The Green Door has lots of golf wear to choose from. Sorry, the only pair of golf shoes (they were brand new) we had went out the door earlier thi...