221 First Street NE, Mount Vernon     *  The Old Middle School *

New Mark Downs

 Take 25% off   ALL Halloween.
We have a good amount of Halloween
 merchandise for sale at The Green Door. 
We have costume possibilities for Young and
Not-So-Young, alike.
We have things that light up,
cackle, bubble and go Bump in the Night!


Continuing Mark Downs

All PURSES 25% off
Men’s SUITS and SPORTSCOATS 50% off

High School and College Students . . .
Stop By and check out the UNBELIVEABLE BARGAINS in our DOLLAR CORNER

our all occasion card
carousel is getting more
and more difficult to spin around
as we add new cards daily. 

Isn’t it about  time you
did you part to help keep
the Post Office in business. 
And think of the joy you can spread
     with a 25 cent card and a 45 cent stamp.                                
 For just 70 cents and a few moments
of your time, you can make someone’s day!

We need your help! 
If you’ve been to our shop and you like us,
please tell your friends. 
Send our information to your friends by Email,
by Facebook, by Smoke Signal . . .

We are open Tuesday – Saturday  10-5 (4 on Saturdays) and 10-2 on Sundays. 

We restock our shelves with new, one-of-a-kind merchandise every day. 
We can outfit men and women from hats to shoes and everything in between. 
Our in-style clothing is in almost new condition and everything has been either laundered or dry

Our home décor is a fraction of the
 price you would pay in any retail store. 
Our merchandise ranges from traditional to
 one-of-a-kind, antique to modern, practical to frivolous. 

 Thanks so much for helping us get the word out!!!


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